Cub Scout Pack 1 Welcomes You

Based in Provo, Utah, BSA Scout Pack 1 is proud to serve west Provo and the surrounding area.

We are currently welcoming all interested boys and girls from Kindergarten through 5th Grade, as well as enthusiastic adult volunteers.

Older youth are encouraged to join our affiliated BSA Scout Troop 1.

Join the Pack

New to Cub Scouting?

Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family, centered on teaching Elementary-aged children Character, Citizenship, Personal Fitness, and Leadership.

Boys and girls participate in fun, hands-on learning while earning recognition awards and achievements meant to encourage them to grow into their very best future selves.

Crossroads of the West Council Utah Cub Scout Pack 1 is proud to serve the community of Provo, Utah, including Lakeview Elementary, Sunset View Elementary, Amelia Earhart Elementary and anyone else willing to join us on the west side of Provo.

Utah Cub Scout Pack 1 is sponsored by CLAS Ropes Course, situated on the banks of Provo River by Utah Lake.

discover more

Getting Started

See how Cub Packs are organized, read FAQs and discover and how you fit in.


Discover the many benefits boys and girls receive from scouting.


Understand how BSA Scouts and Pack 1 keep our youth safe.

volunteer leaders

Leader and youth hiking in the woods

Who We Are

Utah Cub Scout Pack 1 is led by a group of passionate, experienced scouters committed to running a safe, fun Pack that provides the best experience possible for our youth.

We’re always looking for new parents and volunteers to help. No experience needed! All we ask is a willing heart and a passion to serve the youth of our community.

All volunteers are required to complete BSA Scout’s Youth Protection Training. Registered leaders must also complete a background check.

Our volunteer leaders and parents help with everything from planning and running Den and Pack activities and events to fundraising, membership drives, Cub Day Camp and more. No matter what your skillset, there’s a way you can help.

Volunteer to help